Our History

Native Language Revitalization
KAI contracted by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to develop the 10-Year National Plan on Native Language Revitalization

Renewable Energy Deployment
KAI contracted by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to develop and implement tribal engagement plan to collect information on opportunities, priorities, and barriers related to renewable energy deployment in tribal communities.
Tribal Opioid Response
KAI began serving as the national technical assistance providers to tribal grantees, under the Opioid Response Network.

National Urban Indian Health Needs Assessment
KAI contracted by the Indian Health Service to develop a report to Congress that summarized health and resource needs of urban Indian health programs across the country.

Affordable Care Act in Indian Country
KAI supported the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services with outreach and promotional support targeting American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

White House Initiative on Tribal Colleges and Universities
KAI contracted to develop a report to the President that quantified the level of support coming from federal departments and agencies to tribal colleges and universities.

Graduates SBA 8(a) Program
KAI completes the nine-year SBA 8(a) program developed by the U.S. Small Business Administration to help firms owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.

Native Aspirations Curriculum
KAI worked with SAMHSA to develop the Native Aspirations curriculum, to provide culturally relevant suicide prevention and postvention strategies.

Enters SBA 8(a) Program

Jo Ann Kauffman founded Kauffman and Associates, Inc. (KAI) to support the work of federal agencies.