KAI appreciates education as a federal treaty and trust obligation to tribal nations. Our expertise includes doctoral level educational leaders across the spectrum of early childhood, K-12, high school completion/GED, post-secondary, and lifelong learning. With a deep understanding of cultural context and historical perspectives, KAI offers tailored solutions to enhance educational opportunities and promote equitable outcomes for diverse tribal communities, fostering resilience, empowerment, and workforce development.
Download Our CapabilitiesServices
Contextualizing Educational Outcomes
Applying knowledge of historical, sociological and systems factors, which influence academic outcomes to intervene for American Indian and Alaska Native student success.

Indian Education Implementation
Advisement including federal, state, and district policies, and Title VI ~ Indian Education, Johnson O’ Malley funding, and subject matter expertise in Native languages, culture revival, and integration.
ESSA Consultation & Implementation
Bringing together the best and most promising practices in the implementation of the 2015 ESSA with respect to American Indian curriculum, language development, and assessment.
Educational Leadership
Building on literature and best practices in school culture and climate, while offering ways to ensure a safe and culturally appropriate environment for all students to learn.
Formative / Summative Assessment and Evaluation
Data collection including tribal census, environmental scans, surveys, participatory action research, mixed methods quantitative and qualitative data analysis, and advisement through a tribal data sovereignty lens.
Teacher Professional Development
Design and support teacher capacity through cultivation of professional learning communities, lesson study groups, and science-driven practices with a particular focus on Indigenous learning environments.
Parent and Community Engagement
Facilitation of parent and community engagement with a particular focus on first generation, disadvantaged and ethnic minority populations, and specific experience with 21st Century Community Learning Centers afterschool program implementation and assessment.
Our Clients

Case Studies
Change is only possible when there is cooperation and commitment. We partner with communities to leverage culture and resilience to affect change in Indian Country.

Outreach and Technical Assistance to American Indian/Alaska Native Communities
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

National Plan on Native Language Revitalization
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs