At KAI, our award-winning team blends talent, knowledge, and innovative strategies to achieve measurable success. KAI uses the most effective and audience-appropriate tools for each project, including video, advertising, social marketing, email communications, print materials, and more. We strategize with our clients to develop compelling brands, create inspiring messaging, select appropriate communications methods, and help clients reach their organizational goals. Marketing and communications in today’s fast-paced, interconnected world is about starting a conversation or telling a story that interests and resonates with people. When a story or conversation promotes positive action, it elicits positive outcomes. Our approach, in its most basic form, is to tell a story and have it effectively reach its target audience through strategic communications guided by media analytics and consumer research. We work with our clients every step of the way, providing complete transparency in the process and allowing for open dialogue – from conception to creation to completion.
Download Our CapabilitiesUnique Approach
Reach diverse populations, geographies, and languages.
Strategic Marketing
Tailored approaches to engage target audiences through preferred media channels.
Creative Services
Develop visually appealing aesthetics, designs, videos, and animations.
Develop insights into reach and impact of communications efforts.
Our Clients

Case Studies
Change is only possible when there is cooperation and commitment. We partner with communities to leverage culture and resilience to affect change in Indian Country.

Youth Marijuana Prevention Marketing
State of Washington, Department of Health

Suicide Prevention Media Campaigns
State of Montana, Department of Public Health and Human Services