Tribal Engagement for Renewable Energy Deployment

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs


KAI is working with the Bureau of Indian Affairs to engage tribal nations on the deployment of renewable energy resources on tribal lands, an initiative related to the Renewable Energy Accelerated Deployment Initiative for Indian Country.


The BIA is seeking to better understand how the government can help tribes promote the development of renewable energy resources and what their renewable-energy needs might be.


To supplement the tribal engagement efforts, KAI is conducting a comprehensive literature review (as a technical resource guide), providing a summary of findings, coordinating with nationally recognized experts, facilitating technical work group meetings, and conducting outreach for in-person, virtual, and hybrid tribal consultation sessions across the country. Tribes will also have the opportunity to submit written comments through a dedicated project email.


KAI will summarize findings in a comprehensive report, including recommendations and cost-benefit analyses.