Strategic Planning
At KAI, we believe in the transformational power of highly participatory, meaningful engagement that is guided by sound analysis. KAI will work with your organization to strengthen teams, create a shared vision, and produce results. KAI helps organizations ask and answer hard questions to promote positive change and growth. Our facilitators and planners have worked with over 100 tribes, nonprofits, and Native-owned businesses across the country, as well as with national organizations, state governments, and federal agencies.
Download Our CapabilitiesUnique Approach
KAI’s approach ensures that relevant stakeholders and voices are present in planning sessions. Interactive workshops engage participants to share ideas and vigorously discuss strategic priorities.
Consensus Based
Ideas are evaluated on their own merit, helping to move stakeholders toward agreement and alignment on priorities.
Data Driven
Foundational research and environmental scans create a shared baseline of facts to inform planning and decision making.
Action Oriented
Participants develop detailed implementation plans that create accountability, measurable and timely goals, and a roadmap for achieving impact.
Our Clients

Case Studies
Change is only possible when there is cooperation and commitment. We partner with communities to leverage culture and resilience to affect change in Indian Country.

Comprehensive Strategy for SUD Programming
Southern Ute Indian Tribe